Source code for

#    Copyright 2018 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import io
import base64
import gzip
import os
import re
import time
import logging
import posixpath
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import threading
import xml.dom.minidom
import copy
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from pipes import quote
from past.builtins import long
from past.types import basestring
from numbers import Number
    from import Mapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import Mapping

from enum import Enum

from import LocalConnection, PACKAGE_BIN_DIRECTORY
from devlib.module import get_module
from devlib.platform import Platform
from devlib.exception import (DevlibTransientError, TargetStableError,
                              TargetNotRespondingError, TimeoutError,
                              TargetTransientError, KernelConfigKeyError,
                              TargetError) # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
from devlib.utils.ssh import SshConnection
from import AdbConnection, AndroidProperties, LogcatMonitor, adb_command, adb_disconnect, INTENT_FLAGS
from devlib.utils.misc import memoized, isiterable, convert_new_lines
from devlib.utils.misc import commonprefix, merge_lists
from devlib.utils.misc import ABI_MAP, get_cpu_name, ranges_to_list
from devlib.utils.misc import batch_contextmanager
from devlib.utils.types import integer, boolean, bitmask, identifier, caseless_string, bytes_regex

FSTAB_ENTRY_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\S+) on (.+) type (\S+) \((\S+)\)')
ANDROID_SCREEN_STATE_REGEX = re.compile('(?:mPowerState|mScreenOn|Display Power: state)=([0-9]+|true|false|ON|OFF)',
ANDROID_SCREEN_RESOLUTION_REGEX = re.compile(r'cur=(?P<width>\d+)x(?P<height>\d+)')
ANDROID_SCREEN_ROTATION_REGEX = re.compile(r'orientation=(?P<rotation>[0-3])')
DEFAULT_SHELL_PROMPT = re.compile(r'^.*(shell|root|juno)@?.*:[/~]\S* *[#$] ',
KVERSION_REGEX = re.compile(


installed_package_info = namedtuple('installed_package_info', 'apk_path package')

[docs]class Target(object): path = None os = None system_id = None default_modules = [ 'hotplug', 'cpufreq', 'cpuidle', 'cgroups', 'hwmon', ] @property def core_names(self): return self.platform.core_names @property def core_clusters(self): return self.platform.core_clusters @property def big_core(self): return self.platform.big_core @property def little_core(self): return self.platform.little_core @property def is_connected(self): return self.conn is not None @property def connected_as_root(self): return self.conn and self.conn.connected_as_root @property def is_rooted(self): if self._is_rooted is None: try: self.execute('ls /', timeout=5, as_root=True) self._is_rooted = True except(TargetError, TimeoutError): self._is_rooted = False return self._is_rooted or self.connected_as_root @property @memoized def needs_su(self): return not self.connected_as_root and self.is_rooted @property @memoized def kernel_version(self): return KernelVersion(self.execute('{} uname -r -v'.format(quote(self.busybox))).strip()) @property def os_version(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use return {} @property def model(self): return self.platform.model @property def abi(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use return None @property def supported_abi(self): return [self.abi] @property @memoized def cpuinfo(self): return Cpuinfo(self.execute('cat /proc/cpuinfo')) @property @memoized def number_of_cpus(self): num_cpus = 0 corere = re.compile(r'^\s*cpu\d+\s*$') output = self.execute('ls /sys/devices/system/cpu', as_root=self.is_rooted) for entry in output.split(): if corere.match(entry): num_cpus += 1 return num_cpus @property @memoized def number_of_nodes(self): num_nodes = 0 nodere = re.compile(r'^\s*node\d+\s*$') output = self.execute('ls /sys/devices/system/node', as_root=self.is_rooted) for entry in output.split(): if nodere.match(entry): num_nodes += 1 return num_nodes @property @memoized def list_nodes_cpus(self): nodes_cpus = [] for node in range(self.number_of_nodes): path = self.path.join('/sys/devices/system/node/node{}/cpulist'.format(node)) output = self.read_value(path) nodes_cpus.append(ranges_to_list(output)) return nodes_cpus @property @memoized def config(self): try: return KernelConfig(self.execute('zcat /proc/config.gz')) except TargetStableError: for path in ['/boot/config', '/boot/config-$(uname -r)']: try: return KernelConfig(self.execute('cat {}'.format(quote(path)))) except TargetStableError: pass return KernelConfig('') @property @memoized def user(self): return self.getenv('USER') @property @memoized def page_size_kb(self): cmd = "cat /proc/self/smaps | {0} grep KernelPageSize | {0} head -n 1 | {0} awk '{{ print $2 }}'" return int(self.execute(cmd.format(self.busybox))) @property def conn(self): if self._connections: tid = id(threading.current_thread()) if tid not in self._connections: self._connections[tid] = self.get_connection() return self._connections[tid] else: return None @property def shutils(self): if self._shutils is None: self._setup_shutils() return self._shutils def __init__(self, connection_settings=None, platform=None, working_directory=None, executables_directory=None, connect=True, modules=None, load_default_modules=True, shell_prompt=DEFAULT_SHELL_PROMPT, conn_cls=None, is_container=False ): self._is_rooted = None self.connection_settings = connection_settings or {} # Set self.platform: either it's given directly (by platform argument) # or it's given in the connection_settings argument # If neither, create default Platform() if platform is None: self.platform = self.connection_settings.get('platform', Platform()) else: self.platform = platform # Check if the user hasn't given two different platforms if 'platform' in self.connection_settings: if connection_settings['platform'] is not platform: raise TargetStableError('Platform specified in connection_settings ' '({}) differs from that directly passed ' '({})!)' .format(connection_settings['platform'], self.platform)) self.connection_settings['platform'] = self.platform self.working_directory = working_directory self.executables_directory = executables_directory self.modules = modules or [] self.load_default_modules = load_default_modules self.shell_prompt = bytes_regex(shell_prompt) self.conn_cls = conn_cls self.is_container = is_container self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._installed_binaries = {} self._installed_modules = {} self._cache = {} self._connections = {} self._shutils = None self._file_transfer_cache = None self.busybox = None if load_default_modules: module_lists = [self.default_modules] else: module_lists = [] module_lists += [self.modules, self.platform.modules] self.modules = merge_lists(*module_lists, duplicates='first') self._update_modules('early') if connect: self.connect() # connection and initialization
[docs] def connect(self, timeout=None, check_boot_completed=True): self.platform.init_target_connection(self) tid = id(threading.current_thread()) self._connections[tid] = self.get_connection(timeout=timeout) if check_boot_completed: self.wait_boot_complete(timeout) self._resolve_paths() self.execute('mkdir -p {}'.format(quote(self.working_directory))) self.execute('mkdir -p {}'.format(quote(self.executables_directory))) self.busybox = self.install(os.path.join(PACKAGE_BIN_DIRECTORY, self.abi, 'busybox')) self.platform.update_from_target(self) self._update_modules('connected') if self.platform.big_core and self.load_default_modules: self._install_module(get_module('bl'))
[docs] def disconnect(self): for conn in self._connections.values(): conn.close() self._connections = {}
[docs] def get_connection(self, timeout=None): if self.conn_cls is None: raise ValueError('Connection class not specified on Target creation.') return self.conn_cls(timeout=timeout, **self.connection_settings) # pylint: disable=not-callable
def wait_boot_complete(self, timeout=10): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def setup(self, executables=None): self._setup_shutils() for host_exe in (executables or []): # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens self.install(host_exe) # Check for platform dependent setup procedures self.platform.setup(self) # Initialize modules which requires Buxybox (e.g. shutil dependent tasks) self._update_modules('setup') self.execute('mkdir -p {}'.format(quote(self._file_transfer_cache)))
[docs] def reboot(self, hard=False, connect=True, timeout=180): if hard: if not self.has('hard_reset'): raise TargetStableError('Hard reset not supported for this target.') self.hard_reset() # pylint: disable=no-member else: if not self.is_connected: message = 'Cannot reboot target becuase it is disconnected. ' +\ 'Either connect() first, or specify hard=True ' +\ '(in which case, a hard_reset module must be installed)' raise TargetTransientError(message) self.reset() # Wait a fixed delay before starting polling to give the target time to # shut down, otherwise, might create the connection while it's still shutting # down resulting in subsequent connection failing. self.logger.debug('Waiting for target to power down...') reset_delay = 20 time.sleep(reset_delay) timeout = max(timeout - reset_delay, 10) if self.has('boot'): self.boot() # pylint: disable=no-member self.conn.connected_as_root = None if connect: self.connect(timeout=timeout)
# file transfer
[docs] def push(self, source, dest, as_root=False, timeout=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if not as_root: self.conn.push(source, dest, timeout=timeout) else: device_tempfile = self.path.join(self._file_transfer_cache, source.lstrip(self.path.sep)) self.execute("mkdir -p {}".format(quote(self.path.dirname(device_tempfile)))) self.conn.push(source, device_tempfile, timeout=timeout) self.execute("cp {} {}".format(quote(device_tempfile), quote(dest)), as_root=True)
[docs] def pull(self, source, dest, as_root=False, timeout=None): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if not as_root: self.conn.pull(source, dest, timeout=timeout) else: device_tempfile = self.path.join(self._file_transfer_cache, source.lstrip(self.path.sep)) self.execute("mkdir -p {}".format(quote(self.path.dirname(device_tempfile)))) self.execute("cp -r {} {}".format(quote(source), quote(device_tempfile)), as_root=True) self.execute("chmod 0644 {}".format(quote(device_tempfile)), as_root=True) self.conn.pull(device_tempfile, dest, timeout=timeout) self.execute("rm -r {}".format(quote(device_tempfile)), as_root=True)
def get_directory(self, source_dir, dest, as_root=False): """ Pull a directory from the device, after compressing dir """ # Create all file names tar_file_name = source_dir.lstrip(self.path.sep).replace(self.path.sep, '.') # Host location of dir outdir = os.path.join(dest, tar_file_name) # Host location of archive tar_file_name = '{}.tar'.format(tar_file_name) tmpfile = os.path.join(dest, tar_file_name) # If root is required, use tmp location for tar creation. if as_root: tar_file_name = self.path.join(self._file_transfer_cache, tar_file_name) # Does the folder exist? self.execute('ls -la {}'.format(quote(source_dir)), as_root=as_root) # Try compressing the folder try: self.execute('{} tar -cvf {} {}'.format( quote(self.busybox), quote(tar_file_name), quote(source_dir) ), as_root=as_root) except TargetStableError: self.logger.debug('Failed to run tar command on target! ' \ 'Not pulling directory {}'.format(source_dir)) # Pull the file if not os.path.exists(dest): os.mkdir(dest) self.pull(tar_file_name, tmpfile) # Decompress f =, 'r') f.extractall(outdir) os.remove(tmpfile) # execution
[docs] def execute(self, command, timeout=None, check_exit_code=True, as_root=False, strip_colors=True, will_succeed=False, force_locale='C'): # Force the locale if necessary for more predictable output if force_locale: # Use an explicit export so that the command is allowed to be any # shell statement, rather than just a command invocation command = 'export LC_ALL={} && {}'.format(quote(force_locale), command) # Ensure to use deployed command when availables if self.executables_directory: command = "export PATH={}:$PATH && {}".format(quote(self.executables_directory), command) return self.conn.execute(command, timeout=timeout, check_exit_code=check_exit_code, as_root=as_root, strip_colors=strip_colors, will_succeed=will_succeed)
[docs] def background(self, command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, as_root=False): return self.conn.background(command, stdout, stderr, as_root)
[docs] def invoke(self, binary, args=None, in_directory=None, on_cpus=None, redirect_stderr=False, as_root=False, timeout=30): """ Executes the specified binary under the specified conditions. :binary: binary to execute. Must be present and executable on the device. :args: arguments to be passed to the binary. The can be either a list or a string. :in_directory: execute the binary in the specified directory. This must be an absolute path. :on_cpus: taskset the binary to these CPUs. This may be a single ``int`` (in which case, it will be interpreted as the mask), a list of ``ints``, in which case this will be interpreted as the list of cpus, or string, which will be interpreted as a comma-separated list of cpu ranges, e.g. ``"0,4-7"``. :as_root: Specify whether the command should be run as root :timeout: If the invocation does not terminate within this number of seconds, a ``TimeoutError`` exception will be raised. Set to ``None`` if the invocation should not timeout. :returns: output of command. """ command = binary if args: if isiterable(args): args = ' '.join(args) command = '{} {}'.format(command, args) if on_cpus: on_cpus = bitmask(on_cpus) command = '{} taskset 0x{:x} {}'.format(quote(self.busybox), on_cpus, command) if in_directory: command = 'cd {} && {}'.format(quote(in_directory), command) if redirect_stderr: command = '{} 2>&1'.format(command) return self.execute(command, as_root=as_root, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def background_invoke(self, binary, args=None, in_directory=None, on_cpus=None, as_root=False): """ Executes the specified binary as a background task under the specified conditions. :binary: binary to execute. Must be present and executable on the device. :args: arguments to be passed to the binary. The can be either a list or a string. :in_directory: execute the binary in the specified directory. This must be an absolute path. :on_cpus: taskset the binary to these CPUs. This may be a single ``int`` (in which case, it will be interpreted as the mask), a list of ``ints``, in which case this will be interpreted as the list of cpus, or string, which will be interpreted as a comma-separated list of cpu ranges, e.g. ``"0,4-7"``. :as_root: Specify whether the command should be run as root :returns: the subprocess instance handling that command """ command = binary if args: if isiterable(args): args = ' '.join(args) command = '{} {}'.format(command, args) if on_cpus: on_cpus = bitmask(on_cpus) command = '{} taskset 0x{:x} {}'.format(quote(self.busybox), on_cpus, command) if in_directory: command = 'cd {} && {}'.format(quote(in_directory), command) return self.background(command, as_root=as_root)
[docs] def kick_off(self, command, as_root=False): raise NotImplementedError()
# sysfs interaction
[docs] def read_value(self, path, kind=None): output = self.execute('cat {}'.format(quote(path)), as_root=self.needs_su).strip() # pylint: disable=E1103 if kind: return kind(output) else: return output
[docs] def read_int(self, path): return self.read_value(path, kind=integer)
[docs] def read_bool(self, path): return self.read_value(path, kind=boolean)
[docs] @contextmanager def revertable_write_value(self, path, value, verify=True): orig_value = self.read_value(path) try: self.write_value(path, value, verify) yield finally: self.write_value(path, orig_value, verify)
[docs] def batch_revertable_write_value(self, kwargs_list): return batch_contextmanager(self.revertable_write_value, kwargs_list)
[docs] def write_value(self, path, value, verify=True): value = str(value) self.execute('echo {} > {}'.format(quote(value), quote(path)), check_exit_code=False, as_root=True) if verify: output = self.read_value(path) if not output == value: message = 'Could not set the value of {} to "{}" (read "{}")'.format(path, value, output) raise TargetStableError(message)
[docs] def reset(self): try: self.execute('reboot', as_root=self.needs_su, timeout=2) except (DevlibTransientError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): # on some targets "reboot" doesn't return gracefully pass self.conn.connected_as_root = None
[docs] def check_responsive(self, explode=True): try: self.conn.execute('ls /', timeout=5) return True except (DevlibTransientError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): if explode: raise TargetNotRespondingError('Target {} is not responding'.format( return False
# process management
[docs] def kill(self, pid, signal=None, as_root=False): signal_string = '-s {}'.format(signal) if signal else '' self.execute('kill {} {}'.format(signal_string, pid), as_root=as_root)
[docs] def killall(self, process_name, signal=None, as_root=False): for pid in self.get_pids_of(process_name): try: self.kill(pid, signal=signal, as_root=as_root) except TargetStableError: pass
[docs] def get_pids_of(self, process_name): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def ps(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError()
# files
[docs] def file_exists(self, filepath): command = 'if [ -e {} ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi' output = self.execute(command.format(quote(filepath)), as_root=self.is_rooted) return boolean(output.strip())
def directory_exists(self, filepath): output = self.execute('if [ -d {} ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi'.format(quote(filepath))) # output from ssh my contain part of the expression in the buffer, # split out everything except the last word. return boolean(output.split()[-1]) # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
[docs] def list_file_systems(self): output = self.execute('mount') fstab = [] for line in output.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line: continue match = if match: fstab.append(FstabEntry(,,,, None, None)) else: # assume pre-M Android fstab.append(FstabEntry(*line.split())) return fstab
[docs] def list_directory(self, path, as_root=False): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_workpath(self, name): return self.path.join(self.working_directory, name)
[docs] def tempfile(self, prefix='', suffix=''): names = tempfile._get_candidate_names() # pylint: disable=W0212 for _ in range(tempfile.TMP_MAX): name = next(names) path = self.get_workpath(prefix + name + suffix) if not self.file_exists(path): return path raise IOError('No usable temporary filename found')
[docs] def remove(self, path, as_root=False): self.execute('rm -rf {}'.format(quote(path)), as_root=as_root)
# misc
[docs] def core_cpus(self, core): return [i for i, c in enumerate(self.core_names) if c == core]
[docs] def list_online_cpus(self, core=None): path = self.path.join('/sys/devices/system/cpu/online') output = self.read_value(path) all_online = ranges_to_list(output) if core: cpus = self.core_cpus(core) if not cpus: raise ValueError(core) return [o for o in all_online if o in cpus] else: return all_online
[docs] def list_offline_cpus(self): online = self.list_online_cpus() return [c for c in range(self.number_of_cpus) if c not in online]
[docs] def getenv(self, variable): return self.execute('echo ${}'.format(variable)).rstrip('\r\n')
[docs] def capture_screen(self, filepath): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def install(self, filepath, timeout=None, with_name=None): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def uninstall(self, name): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_installed(self, name, search_system_binaries=True): # Check user installed binaries first if self.file_exists(self.executables_directory): if name in self.list_directory(self.executables_directory): return self.path.join(self.executables_directory, name) # Fall back to binaries in PATH if search_system_binaries: for path in self.getenv('PATH').split(self.path.pathsep): try: if name in self.list_directory(path): return self.path.join(path, name) except TargetStableError: pass # directory does not exist or no executable permissions
which = get_installed
[docs] def install_if_needed(self, host_path, search_system_binaries=True, timeout=None): binary_path = self.get_installed(os.path.split(host_path)[1], search_system_binaries=search_system_binaries) if not binary_path: binary_path = self.install(host_path, timeout=timeout) return binary_path
[docs] def is_installed(self, name): return bool(self.get_installed(name))
def bin(self, name): return self._installed_binaries.get(name, name) def has(self, modname): return hasattr(self, identifier(modname)) def lsmod(self): lines = self.execute('lsmod').splitlines() entries = [] for line in lines[1:]: # first line is the header if not line.strip(): continue parts = line.split() name = parts[0] size = int(parts[1]) use_count = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) > 3: used_by = ''.join(parts[3:]).split(',') else: used_by = [] entries.append(LsmodEntry(name, size, use_count, used_by)) return entries def insmod(self, path): target_path = self.get_workpath(os.path.basename(path)) self.push(path, target_path) self.execute('insmod {}'.format(quote(target_path)), as_root=True)
[docs] def extract(self, path, dest=None): """ Extract the specified on-target file. The extraction method to be used (unzip, gunzip, bunzip2, or tar) will be based on the file's extension. If ``dest`` is specified, it must be an existing directory on target; the extracted contents will be placed there. Note that, depending on the archive file format (and therefore the extraction method used), the original archive file may or may not exist after the extraction. The return value is the path to the extracted contents. In case of gunzip and bunzip2, this will be path to the extracted file; for tar and uzip, this will be the directory with the extracted file(s) (``dest`` if it was specified otherwise, the directory that contained the archive). """ for ending in ['.tar.gz', '', '.tar.bz2', '.tgz', '.tbz', '.tbz2']: if path.endswith(ending): return self._extract_archive(path, 'tar xf {} -C {}', dest) ext = self.path.splitext(path)[1] if ext in ['.bz', '.bz2']: return self._extract_file(path, 'bunzip2 -f {}', dest) elif ext == '.gz': return self._extract_file(path, 'gunzip -f {}', dest) elif ext == '.zip': return self._extract_archive(path, 'unzip {} -d {}', dest) else: raise ValueError('Unknown compression format: {}'.format(ext))
def sleep(self, duration): timeout = duration + 10 self.execute('sleep {}'.format(duration), timeout=timeout) def read_tree_tar_flat(self, path, depth=1, check_exit_code=True, decode_unicode=True, strip_null_chars=True): command = 'read_tree_tgz_b64 {} {} {}'.format(quote(path), depth, quote(self.working_directory)) output = self._execute_util(command, as_root=self.is_rooted, check_exit_code=check_exit_code) result = {} # Unpack the archive in memory tar_gz = base64.b64decode(output) tar_gz_bytes = io.BytesIO(tar_gz) tar_buf = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=tar_gz_bytes).read() tar_bytes = io.BytesIO(tar_buf) with as tar: for member in tar.getmembers(): try: content_f = tar.extractfile(member) # ignore exotic members like sockets except Exception: continue # if it is a file and not a folder if content_f: content = if decode_unicode: try: content = content.decode('utf-8').strip() if strip_null_chars: content = content.replace('\x00', '').strip() except UnicodeDecodeError: content = '' name = self.path.join(path, result[name] = content return result
[docs] def read_tree_values_flat(self, path, depth=1, check_exit_code=True): command = 'read_tree_values {} {}'.format(quote(path), depth) output = self._execute_util(command, as_root=self.is_rooted, check_exit_code=check_exit_code) accumulator = defaultdict(list) for entry in output.strip().split('\n'): if ':' not in entry: continue path, value = entry.strip().split(':', 1) accumulator[path].append(value) result = {k: '\n'.join(v).strip() for k, v in accumulator.items()} return result
[docs] def read_tree_values(self, path, depth=1, dictcls=dict, check_exit_code=True, tar=False, decode_unicode=True, strip_null_chars=True): """ Reads the content of all files under a given tree :path: path to the tree :depth: maximum tree depth to read :dictcls: type of the dict used to store the results :check_exit_code: raise an exception if the shutil command fails :tar: fetch the entire tree using tar rather than just the value (more robust but slower in some use-cases) :decode_unicode: decode the content of tar-ed files as utf-8 :strip_null_chars: remove '\x00' chars from the content of utf-8 decoded files :returns: a tree-like dict with the content of files as leafs """ if not tar: value_map = self.read_tree_values_flat(path, depth, check_exit_code) else: value_map = self.read_tree_tar_flat(path, depth, check_exit_code, decode_unicode, strip_null_chars) return _build_path_tree(value_map, path, self.path.sep, dictcls)
[docs] def install_module(self, mod, **params): mod = get_module(mod) if mod.stage == 'early': msg = 'Module {} cannot be installed after device setup has already occoured.' raise TargetStableError(msg) if mod.probe(self): self._install_module(mod, **params) else: msg = 'Module {} is not supported by the target'.format( raise TargetStableError(msg)
# internal methods def _setup_shutils(self): shutils_ifile = os.path.join(PACKAGE_BIN_DIRECTORY, 'scripts', '') tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() shutils_ofile = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'shutils') shell_path = '/bin/sh' if self.os == 'android': shell_path = '/system/bin/sh' with open(shutils_ifile) as fh: lines = fh.readlines() with open(shutils_ofile, 'w') as ofile: for line in lines: line = line.replace("__DEVLIB_SHELL__", shell_path) line = line.replace("__DEVLIB_BUSYBOX__", self.busybox) ofile.write(line) self._shutils = self.install(shutils_ofile) os.remove(shutils_ofile) os.rmdir(tmp_dir) def _execute_util(self, command, timeout=None, check_exit_code=True, as_root=False): command = '{} {}'.format(self.shutils, command) return self.conn.execute(command, timeout, check_exit_code, as_root) def _extract_archive(self, path, cmd, dest=None): cmd = '{} ' + cmd # busybox if dest: extracted = dest else: extracted = self.path.dirname(path) cmdtext = cmd.format(quote(self.busybox), quote(path), quote(extracted)) self.execute(cmdtext) return extracted def _extract_file(self, path, cmd, dest=None): cmd = '{} ' + cmd # busybox cmdtext = cmd.format(quote(self.busybox), quote(path)) self.execute(cmdtext) extracted = self.path.splitext(path)[0] if dest: self.execute('mv -f {} {}'.format(quote(extracted), quote(dest))) if dest.endswith('/'): extracted = self.path.join(dest, self.path.basename(extracted)) else: extracted = dest return extracted def _update_modules(self, stage): for mod_name in copy.copy(self.modules): if isinstance(mod_name, dict): mod_name, params = list(mod_name.items())[0] else: params = {} mod = get_module(mod_name) if not mod.stage == stage: continue if mod.probe(self): self._install_module(mod, **params) else: msg = 'Module {} is not supported by the target'.format( self.modules.remove(mod_name) if self.load_default_modules: self.logger.debug(msg) else: self.logger.warning(msg) def _install_module(self, mod, **params): if not in self._installed_modules: self.logger.debug('Installing module {}'.format( try: mod.install(self, **params) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Module "{}" failed to install on target'.format( raise self._installed_modules[] = mod else: self.logger.debug('Module {} is already installed.'.format( def _resolve_paths(self): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def is_network_connected(self): self.logger.debug('Checking for internet connectivity...') timeout_s = 5 # It would be nice to use busybox for this, but that means we'd need # root (ping is usually setuid so it can open raw sockets to send ICMP) command = 'ping -q -c 1 -w {} {} 2>&1'.format(timeout_s, quote(GOOGLE_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS)) # We'll use our own retrying mechanism (rather than just using ping's -c # to send multiple packets) so that we don't slow things down in the # 'good' case where the first packet gets echoed really quickly. attempts = 5 for _ in range(attempts): try: self.execute(command) return True except TargetStableError as e: err = str(e).lower() if '100% packet loss' in err: # We sent a packet but got no response. # Try again - we don't want this to fail just because of a # transient drop in connection quality. self.logger.debug('No ping response from {} after {}s' .format(GOOGLE_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS, timeout_s)) continue elif 'network is unreachable' in err: # No internet connection at all, we can fail straight away self.logger.debug('Network unreachable') return False else: # Something else went wrong, we don't know what, raise an # error. raise self.logger.debug('Failed to ping {} after {} attempts'.format( GOOGLE_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS, attempts)) return False
[docs]class LinuxTarget(Target): path = posixpath os = 'linux' @property @memoized def abi(self): value = self.execute('uname -m').strip() for abi, architectures in ABI_MAP.items(): if value in architectures: result = abi break else: result = value return result @property @memoized def os_version(self): os_version = {} command = 'ls /etc/*-release /etc*-version /etc/*_release /etc/*_version 2>/dev/null' version_files = self.execute(command, check_exit_code=False).strip().split() for vf in version_files: name = self.path.basename(vf) output = self.read_value(vf) os_version[name] = convert_new_lines(output.strip()).replace('\n', ' ') return os_version @property @memoized def system_id(self): return self._execute_util('get_linux_system_id').strip() def __init__(self, connection_settings=None, platform=None, working_directory=None, executables_directory=None, connect=True, modules=None, load_default_modules=True, shell_prompt=DEFAULT_SHELL_PROMPT, conn_cls=SshConnection, is_container=False, ): super(LinuxTarget, self).__init__(connection_settings=connection_settings, platform=platform, working_directory=working_directory, executables_directory=executables_directory, connect=connect, modules=modules, load_default_modules=load_default_modules, shell_prompt=shell_prompt, conn_cls=conn_cls, is_container=is_container) def wait_boot_complete(self, timeout=10): pass def kick_off(self, command, as_root=False): command = 'sh -c {} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null &'.format(quote(command)) return self.conn.execute(command, as_root=as_root) def get_pids_of(self, process_name): """Returns a list of PIDs of all processes with the specified name.""" # result should be a column of PIDs with the first row as "PID" header result = self.execute('ps -C {} -o pid'.format(quote(process_name)), # NOQA check_exit_code=False).strip().split() if len(result) >= 2: # at least one row besides the header return list(map(int, result[1:])) else: return [] def ps(self, **kwargs): command = 'ps -eo user,pid,ppid,vsize,rss,wchan,pcpu,state,fname' lines = iter(convert_new_lines(self.execute(command)).split('\n')) next(lines) # header result = [] for line in lines: parts = re.split(r'\s+', line, maxsplit=8) if parts and parts != ['']: result.append(PsEntry(*(parts[0:1] + list(map(int, parts[1:5])) + parts[5:]))) if not kwargs: return result else: filtered_result = [] for entry in result: if all(getattr(entry, k) == v for k, v in kwargs.items()): filtered_result.append(entry) return filtered_result def list_directory(self, path, as_root=False): contents = self.execute('ls -1 {}'.format(quote(path)), as_root=as_root) return [x.strip() for x in contents.split('\n') if x.strip()] def install(self, filepath, timeout=None, with_name=None): # pylint: disable=W0221 destpath = self.path.join(self.executables_directory, with_name and with_name or self.path.basename(filepath)) self.push(filepath, destpath, timeout=timeout) self.execute('chmod a+x {}'.format(quote(destpath)), timeout=timeout) self._installed_binaries[self.path.basename(destpath)] = destpath return destpath def uninstall(self, name): path = self.path.join(self.executables_directory, name) self.remove(path) def capture_screen(self, filepath): if not self.is_installed('scrot'): self.logger.debug('Could not take screenshot as scrot is not installed.') return try: tmpfile = self.tempfile() cmd = 'DISPLAY=:0.0 scrot {} && {} date -u -Iseconds' ts = self.execute(cmd.format(quote(tmpfile), quote(self.busybox))).strip() filepath = filepath.format(ts=ts) self.pull(tmpfile, filepath) self.remove(tmpfile) except TargetStableError as e: if "Can't open X dispay." not in e.message: raise e message = e.message.split('OUTPUT:', 1)[1].strip() # pylint: disable=no-member self.logger.debug('Could not take screenshot: {}'.format(message)) def _resolve_paths(self): if self.working_directory is None: self.working_directory = self.path.join(self.execute("pwd").strip(), 'devlib-target') self._file_transfer_cache = self.path.join(self.working_directory, '.file-cache') if self.executables_directory is None: self.executables_directory = self.path.join(self.working_directory, 'bin')
[docs]class AndroidTarget(Target): path = posixpath os = 'android' ls_command = '' @property @memoized def abi(self): return self.getprop()['ro.product.cpu.abi'].split('-')[0] @property @memoized def supported_abi(self): props = self.getprop() result = [props['ro.product.cpu.abi']] if 'ro.product.cpu.abi2' in props: result.append(props['ro.product.cpu.abi2']) if 'ro.product.cpu.abilist' in props: for abi in props['ro.product.cpu.abilist'].split(','): if abi not in result: result.append(abi) mapped_result = [] for supported_abi in result: for abi, architectures in ABI_MAP.items(): found = False if supported_abi in architectures and abi not in mapped_result: mapped_result.append(abi) found = True break if not found and supported_abi not in mapped_result: mapped_result.append(supported_abi) return mapped_result @property @memoized def os_version(self): os_version = {} for k, v in self.getprop().iteritems(): if k.startswith(''): part = k.split('.')[-1] os_version[part] = v return os_version @property def adb_name(self): return self.conn.device @property @memoized def android_id(self): """ Get the device's ANDROID_ID. Which is "A 64-bit number (as a hex string) that is randomly generated when the user first sets up the device and should remain constant for the lifetime of the user's device." .. note:: This will get reset on userdata erasure. """ output = self.execute('content query --uri content://settings/secure --projection value --where "name=\'android_id\'"').strip() return output.split('value=')[-1] @property @memoized def system_id(self): return self._execute_util('get_android_system_id').strip() @property @memoized def external_storage(self): return self.execute('echo $EXTERNAL_STORAGE').strip() @property @memoized def screen_resolution(self): output = self.execute('dumpsys window displays') match = if match: return (int('width')), int('height'))) else: return (0, 0) def __init__(self, connection_settings=None, platform=None, working_directory=None, executables_directory=None, connect=True, modules=None, load_default_modules=True, shell_prompt=DEFAULT_SHELL_PROMPT, conn_cls=AdbConnection, package_data_directory="/data/data", is_container=False, ): super(AndroidTarget, self).__init__(connection_settings=connection_settings, platform=platform, working_directory=working_directory, executables_directory=executables_directory, connect=connect, modules=modules, load_default_modules=load_default_modules, shell_prompt=shell_prompt, conn_cls=conn_cls, is_container=is_container) self.package_data_directory = package_data_directory self.clear_logcat_lock = threading.Lock() def reset(self, fastboot=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ try: self.execute('reboot {}'.format(fastboot and 'fastboot' or ''), as_root=self.needs_su, timeout=2) except (DevlibTransientError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): # on some targets "reboot" doesn't return gracefully pass self.conn.connected_as_root = None def wait_boot_complete(self, timeout=10): start = time.time() boot_completed = boolean(self.getprop('sys.boot_completed')) while not boot_completed and timeout >= time.time() - start: time.sleep(5) boot_completed = boolean(self.getprop('sys.boot_completed')) if not boot_completed: # Raise a TargetStableError as this usually happens because of # an issue with Android more than a timeout that is too small. raise TargetStableError('Connected but Android did not fully boot.') def connect(self, timeout=30, check_boot_completed=True): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ device = self.connection_settings.get('device') super(AndroidTarget, self).connect(timeout=timeout, check_boot_completed=check_boot_completed) def kick_off(self, command, as_root=None): """ Like execute but closes adb session and returns immediately, leaving the command running on the device (this is different from execute(background=True) which keeps adb connection open and returns a subprocess object). """ if as_root is None: as_root = self.needs_su try: command = 'cd {} && {} nohup {} &'.format(quote(self.working_directory), quote(self.busybox), command) self.execute(command, timeout=1, as_root=as_root) except TimeoutError: pass def __setup_list_directory(self): # In at least Linaro Android 16.09 (which was their first Android 7 release) and maybe # AOSP 7.0 as well, the ls command was changed. # Previous versions default to a single column listing, which is nice and easy to parse. # Newer versions default to a multi-column listing, which is not, but it does support # a '-1' option to get into single column mode. Older versions do not support this option # so we try the new version, and if it fails we use the old version. self.ls_command = 'ls -1' try: self.execute('ls -1 {}'.format(quote(self.working_directory)), as_root=False) except TargetStableError: self.ls_command = 'ls' def list_directory(self, path, as_root=False): if self.ls_command == '': self.__setup_list_directory() contents = self.execute('{} {}'.format(self.ls_command, quote(path)), as_root=as_root) return [x.strip() for x in contents.split('\n') if x.strip()] def install(self, filepath, timeout=None, with_name=None): # pylint: disable=W0221 ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1].lower() if ext == '.apk': return self.install_apk(filepath, timeout) else: return self.install_executable(filepath, with_name, timeout) def uninstall(self, name): if self.package_is_installed(name): self.uninstall_package(name) else: self.uninstall_executable(name) def get_pids_of(self, process_name): result = [] search_term = process_name[-15:] for entry in if search_term in result.append( return result def ps(self, **kwargs): lines = iter(convert_new_lines(self.execute('ps')).split('\n')) next(lines) # header result = [] for line in lines: parts = line.split(None, 8) if not parts: continue if len(parts) == 8: # wchan was blank; insert an empty field where it should be. parts.insert(5, '') result.append(PsEntry(*(parts[0:1] + list(map(int, parts[1:5])) + parts[5:]))) if not kwargs: return result else: filtered_result = [] for entry in result: if all(getattr(entry, k) == v for k, v in kwargs.items()): filtered_result.append(entry) return filtered_result def capture_screen(self, filepath): on_device_file = self.path.join(self.working_directory, 'screen_capture.png') cmd = 'screencap -p {} && {} date -u -Iseconds' ts = self.execute(cmd.format(quote(on_device_file), quote(self.busybox))).strip() filepath = filepath.format(ts=ts) self.pull(on_device_file, filepath) self.remove(on_device_file) # Android-specific def input_tap(self, x, y): command = 'input tap {} {}' self.execute(command.format(x, y)) def input_tap_pct(self, x, y): width, height = self.screen_resolution x = (x * width) // 100 y = (y * height) // 100 self.input_tap(x, y) def input_swipe(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ Issue a swipe on the screen from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) Uses absolute screen positions """ command = 'input swipe {} {} {} {}' self.execute(command.format(x1, y1, x2, y2)) def input_swipe_pct(self, x1, y1, x2, y2): """ Issue a swipe on the screen from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) Uses percent-based positions """ width, height = self.screen_resolution x1 = (x1 * width) // 100 y1 = (y1 * height) // 100 x2 = (x2 * width) // 100 y2 = (y2 * height) // 100 self.input_swipe(x1, y1, x2, y2)
[docs] def swipe_to_unlock(self, direction="diagonal"): width, height = self.screen_resolution if direction == "diagonal": start = 100 stop = width - start swipe_height = height * 2 // 3 self.input_swipe(start, swipe_height, stop, 0) elif direction == "horizontal": swipe_height = height * 2 // 3 start = 100 stop = width - start self.input_swipe(start, swipe_height, stop, swipe_height) elif direction == "vertical": swipe_middle = width / 2 swipe_height = height * 2 // 3 self.input_swipe(swipe_middle, swipe_height, swipe_middle, 0) else: raise TargetStableError("Invalid swipe direction: {}".format(direction))
def getprop(self, prop=None): props = AndroidProperties(self.execute('getprop')) if prop: return props[prop] return props def capture_ui_hierarchy(self, filepath): on_target_file = self.get_workpath('screen_capture.xml') self.execute('uiautomator dump {}'.format(on_target_file)) self.pull(on_target_file, filepath) self.remove(on_target_file) parsed_xml = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filepath) with open(filepath, 'w') as f: if sys.version_info[0] == 3: f.write(parsed_xml.toprettyxml()) else: f.write(parsed_xml.toprettyxml().encode('utf-8')) def is_installed(self, name): return super(AndroidTarget, self).is_installed(name) or self.package_is_installed(name) def package_is_installed(self, package_name): return package_name in self.list_packages() def list_packages(self): output = self.execute('pm list packages') output = output.replace('package:', '') return output.split() def get_package_version(self, package): output = self.execute('dumpsys package {}'.format(quote(package))) for line in convert_new_lines(output).split('\n'): if 'versionName' in line: return line.split('=', 1)[1] return None def get_package_info(self, package): output = self.execute('pm list packages -f {}'.format(quote(package))) for entry in output.strip().split('\n'): rest, entry_package = entry.rsplit('=', 1) if entry_package != package: continue _, apk_path = rest.split(':') return installed_package_info(apk_path, entry_package) def get_sdk_version(self): try: return int(self.getprop('')) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None def install_apk(self, filepath, timeout=None, replace=False, allow_downgrade=False): # pylint: disable=W0221 ext = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1].lower() if ext == '.apk': flags = [] if replace: flags.append('-r') # Replace existing APK if allow_downgrade: flags.append('-d') # Install the APK even if a newer version is already installed if self.get_sdk_version() >= 23: flags.append('-g') # Grant all runtime permissions self.logger.debug("Replace APK = {}, ADB flags = '{}'".format(replace, ' '.join(flags))) if isinstance(self.conn, AdbConnection): return adb_command(self.adb_name, "install {} {}".format(' '.join(flags), quote(filepath)), timeout=timeout) else: dev_path = self.get_workpath(filepath.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)[-1]) self.push(quote(filepath), dev_path, timeout=timeout) result = self.execute("pm install {} {}".format(' '.join(flags), quote(dev_path)), timeout=timeout) self.remove(dev_path) return result else: raise TargetStableError('Can\'t install {}: unsupported format.'.format(filepath)) def grant_package_permission(self, package, permission): try: return self.execute('pm grant {} {}'.format(quote(package), quote(permission))) except TargetStableError as e: if 'is not a changeable permission type' in e.message: pass # Ignore if unchangeable elif 'Unknown permission' in e.message: pass # Ignore if unknown elif 'has not requested permission' in e.message: pass # Ignore if not requested elif 'Operation not allowed' in e.message: pass # Ignore if not allowed else: raise def refresh_files(self, file_list): """ Depending on the android version and root status, determine the appropriate method of forcing a re-index of the mediaserver cache for a given list of files. """ if self.is_rooted or self.get_sdk_version() < 24: # MM and below common_path = commonprefix(file_list, sep=self.path.sep) self.broadcast_media_mounted(common_path, self.is_rooted) else: for f in file_list: self.broadcast_media_scan_file(f) def broadcast_media_scan_file(self, filepath): """ Force a re-index of the mediaserver cache for the specified file. """ command = 'am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE -d {}' self.execute(command.format(quote('file://' + filepath))) def broadcast_media_mounted(self, dirpath, as_root=False): """ Force a re-index of the mediaserver cache for the specified directory. """ command = 'am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED -d {} '\ '-n' self.execute(command.format(quote('file://'+dirpath)), as_root=as_root) def install_executable(self, filepath, with_name=None, timeout=None): self._ensure_executables_directory_is_writable() executable_name = with_name or os.path.basename(filepath) on_device_file = self.path.join(self.working_directory, executable_name) on_device_executable = self.path.join(self.executables_directory, executable_name) self.push(filepath, on_device_file, timeout=timeout) if on_device_file != on_device_executable: self.execute('cp {} {}'.format(quote(on_device_file), quote(on_device_executable)), as_root=self.needs_su, timeout=timeout) self.remove(on_device_file, as_root=self.needs_su) self.execute("chmod 0777 {}".format(quote(on_device_executable)), as_root=self.needs_su) self._installed_binaries[executable_name] = on_device_executable return on_device_executable def uninstall_package(self, package): if isinstance(self.conn, AdbConnection): adb_command(self.adb_name, "uninstall {}".format(quote(package)), timeout=30) else: self.execute("pm uninstall {}".format(quote(package)), timeout=30) def uninstall_executable(self, executable_name): on_device_executable = self.path.join(self.executables_directory, executable_name) self._ensure_executables_directory_is_writable() self.remove(on_device_executable, as_root=self.needs_su) def dump_logcat(self, filepath, filter=None, append=False, timeout=30): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin op = '>>' if append else '>' filtstr = ' -s {}'.format(quote(filter)) if filter else '' if isinstance(self.conn, AdbConnection): command = 'logcat -d{} {} {}'.format(filtstr, op, quote(filepath)) adb_command(self.adb_name, command, timeout=timeout) else: dev_path = self.get_workpath('logcat') command = 'logcat -d{} {} {}'.format(filtstr, op, quote(dev_path)) self.execute(command, timeout=timeout) self.pull(dev_path, filepath) self.remove(dev_path) def clear_logcat(self): with self.clear_logcat_lock: if isinstance(self.conn, AdbConnection): adb_command(self.adb_name, 'logcat -c', timeout=30) else: self.execute('logcat -c', timeout=30) def get_logcat_monitor(self, regexps=None): return LogcatMonitor(self, regexps) def wait_for_device(self, timeout=30): self.conn.wait_for_device()
[docs] def reboot_bootloader(self, timeout=30): self.conn.reboot_bootloader()
[docs] def is_screen_on(self): output = self.execute('dumpsys power') match = if match: return boolean( else: raise TargetStableError('Could not establish screen state.')
[docs] def ensure_screen_is_on(self): if not self.is_screen_on(): self.execute('input keyevent 26')
[docs] def ensure_screen_is_off(self): if self.is_screen_on(): self.execute('input keyevent 26')
[docs] def set_auto_brightness(self, auto_brightness): cmd = 'settings put system screen_brightness_mode {}' self.execute(cmd.format(int(boolean(auto_brightness))))
[docs] def get_auto_brightness(self): cmd = 'settings get system screen_brightness_mode' return boolean(self.execute(cmd).strip())
[docs] def set_brightness(self, value): if not 0 <= value <= 255: msg = 'Invalid brightness "{}"; Must be between 0 and 255' raise ValueError(msg.format(value)) self.set_auto_brightness(False) cmd = 'settings put system screen_brightness {}' self.execute(cmd.format(int(value)))
[docs] def get_brightness(self): cmd = 'settings get system screen_brightness' return integer(self.execute(cmd).strip())
def set_screen_timeout(self, timeout_ms): cmd = 'settings put system screen_off_timeout {}' self.execute(cmd.format(int(timeout_ms))) def get_screen_timeout(self): cmd = 'settings get system screen_off_timeout' return int(self.execute(cmd).strip())
[docs] def get_airplane_mode(self): cmd = 'settings get global airplane_mode_on' return boolean(self.execute(cmd).strip())
[docs] def set_airplane_mode(self, mode): root_required = self.get_sdk_version() > 23 if root_required and not self.is_rooted: raise TargetStableError('Root is required to toggle airplane mode on Android 7+') mode = int(boolean(mode)) cmd = 'settings put global airplane_mode_on {}' self.execute(cmd.format(mode)) self.execute('am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE ' '--ez state {}'.format(mode), as_root=root_required)
[docs] def get_auto_rotation(self): cmd = 'settings get system accelerometer_rotation' return boolean(self.execute(cmd).strip())
[docs] def set_auto_rotation(self, autorotate): cmd = 'settings put system accelerometer_rotation {}' self.execute(cmd.format(int(boolean(autorotate))))
[docs] def set_natural_rotation(self): self.set_rotation(0)
[docs] def set_left_rotation(self): self.set_rotation(1)
[docs] def set_inverted_rotation(self): self.set_rotation(2)
[docs] def set_right_rotation(self): self.set_rotation(3)
[docs] def get_rotation(self): output = self.execute('dumpsys input') match = if match: return int('rotation')) else: return None
[docs] def set_rotation(self, rotation): if not 0 <= rotation <= 3: raise ValueError('Rotation value must be between 0 and 3') self.set_auto_rotation(False) cmd = 'settings put system user_rotation {}' self.execute(cmd.format(rotation))
def open_url(self, url, force_new=False): """ Start a view activity by specifying an URL :param url: URL of the item to display :type url: str :param force_new: Force the viewing application to be relaunched if it is already running :type force_new: bool """ cmd = 'am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d {}' if force_new: cmd = cmd + ' -f {}'.format(INTENT_FLAGS['ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK'] | INTENT_FLAGS['ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK']) self.execute(cmd.format(quote(url)))
[docs] def homescreen(self): self.execute('am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.HOME')
def _resolve_paths(self): if self.working_directory is None: self.working_directory = self.path.join(self.external_storage, 'devlib-target') self._file_transfer_cache = self.path.join(self.working_directory, '.file-cache') if self.executables_directory is None: self.executables_directory = '/data/local/tmp/bin' def _ensure_executables_directory_is_writable(self): matched = [] for entry in self.list_file_systems(): if self.executables_directory.rstrip('/').startswith(entry.mount_point): matched.append(entry) if matched: entry = sorted(matched, key=lambda x: len(x.mount_point))[-1] if 'rw' not in entry.options: self.execute('mount -o rw,remount {} {}'.format(quote(entry.device), quote(entry.mount_point)), as_root=True) else: message = 'Could not find mount point for executables directory {}' raise TargetStableError(message.format(self.executables_directory)) _charging_enabled_path = '/sys/class/power_supply/battery/charging_enabled' @property def charging_enabled(self): """ Whether drawing power to charge the battery is enabled Not all devices have the ability to enable/disable battery charging (e.g. because they don't have a battery). In that case, ``charging_enabled`` is None. """ if not self.file_exists(self._charging_enabled_path): return None return self.read_bool(self._charging_enabled_path) @charging_enabled.setter def charging_enabled(self, enabled): """ Enable/disable drawing power to charge the battery Not all devices have this facility. In that case, do nothing. """ if not self.file_exists(self._charging_enabled_path): return self.write_value(self._charging_enabled_path, int(bool(enabled)))
FstabEntry = namedtuple('FstabEntry', ['device', 'mount_point', 'fs_type', 'options', 'dump_freq', 'pass_num']) PsEntry = namedtuple('PsEntry', 'user pid ppid vsize rss wchan pc state name') LsmodEntry = namedtuple('LsmodEntry', ['name', 'size', 'use_count', 'used_by']) class Cpuinfo(object): @property @memoized def architecture(self): for section in self.sections: if 'CPU architecture' in section: return section['CPU architecture'] if 'architecture' in section: return section['architecture'] @property @memoized def cpu_names(self): cpu_names = [] global_name = None for section in self.sections: if 'processor' in section: if 'CPU part' in section: cpu_names.append(_get_part_name(section)) elif 'model name' in section: cpu_names.append(_get_model_name(section)) else: cpu_names.append(None) elif 'CPU part' in section: global_name = _get_part_name(section) return [caseless_string(c or global_name) for c in cpu_names] def __init__(self, text): self.sections = None self.text = None self.parse(text) @memoized def get_cpu_features(self, cpuid=0): global_features = [] for section in self.sections: if 'processor' in section: if int(section.get('processor')) != cpuid: continue if 'Features' in section: return section.get('Features').split() elif 'flags' in section: return section.get('flags').split() elif 'Features' in section: global_features = section.get('Features').split() elif 'flags' in section: global_features = section.get('flags').split() return global_features def parse(self, text): self.sections = [] current_section = {} self.text = text.strip() for line in self.text.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line: key, value = line.split(':', 1) current_section[key.strip()] = value.strip() else: # not line self.sections.append(current_section) current_section = {} self.sections.append(current_section) def __str__(self): return 'CpuInfo({})'.format(self.cpu_names) __repr__ = __str__ class KernelVersion(object): """ Class representing the version of a target kernel Not expected to work for very old (pre-3.0) kernel version numbers. :ivar release: Version number/revision string. Typical output of ``uname -r`` :type release: str :ivar version: Extra version info (aside from ``release``) reported by ``uname`` :type version: str :ivar version_number: Main version number (e.g. 3 for Linux 3.18) :type version_number: int :ivar major: Major version number (e.g. 18 for Linux 3.18) :type major: int :ivar minor: Minor version number for stable kernels (e.g. 9 for 4.9.9). May be None :type minor: int :ivar rc: Release candidate number (e.g. 3 for Linux 4.9-rc3). May be None. :type rc: int :ivar sha1: Kernel git revision hash, if available (otherwise None) :type sha1: str :ivar parts: Tuple of version number components. Can be used for lexicographically comparing kernel versions. :type parts: tuple(int) """ def __init__(self, version_string): if ' #' in version_string: release, version = version_string.split(' #') self.release = release self.version = version elif version_string.startswith('#'): self.release = '' self.version = version_string else: self.release = version_string self.version = '' self.version_number = None self.major = None self.minor = None self.sha1 = None self.rc = None match = KVERSION_REGEX.match(version_string) if match: groups = match.groupdict() self.version_number = int(groups['version']) self.major = int(groups['major']) if groups['minor'] is not None: self.minor = int(groups['minor']) if groups['rc'] is not None: self.rc = int(groups['rc']) if groups['sha1'] is not None: self.sha1 ='sha1') = (self.version_number, self.major, self.minor) def __str__(self): return '{} {}'.format(self.release, self.version) __repr__ = __str__ class HexInt(long): """ Subclass of :class:`int` that uses hexadecimal formatting by default. """ def __new__(cls, val=0, base=16): super_new = super(HexInt, cls).__new__ if isinstance(val, Number): return super_new(cls, val) else: return super_new(cls, val, base=base) def __str__(self): return hex(self).strip('L') class KernelConfigTristate(Enum): YES = 'y' NO = 'n' MODULE = 'm' def __bool__(self): """ Allow using this enum to represent bool Kconfig type, although it is technically different from tristate. """ return self in (self.YES, self.MODULE) def __nonzero__(self): """ For Python 2.x compatibility. """ return self.__bool__() @classmethod def from_str(cls, str_): for state in cls: if state.value == str_: return state raise ValueError('No kernel config tristate value matches "{}"'.format(str_)) class TypedKernelConfig(Mapping): """ Mapping-like typed version of :class:`KernelConfig`. Values are either :class:`str`, :class:`int`, :class:`KernelConfigTristate`, or :class:`HexInt`. ``hex`` Kconfig type is mapped to :class:`HexInt` and ``bool`` to :class:`KernelConfigTristate`. """ not_set_regex = re.compile(r'# (\S+) is not set') @staticmethod def get_config_name(name): name = name.upper() if not name.startswith('CONFIG_'): name = 'CONFIG_' + name return name def __init__(self, mapping=None): mapping = mapping if mapping is not None else {} self._config = { # Ensure we use the canonical name of the config keys for internal # representation self.get_config_name(k): v for k, v in dict(mapping).items() } @classmethod def from_str(cls, text): """ Build a :class:`TypedKernelConfig` out of the string content of a Kconfig file. """ return cls(cls._parse_text(text)) @staticmethod def _val_to_str(val): "Convert back values to Kconfig-style string value" # Special case the gracefully handle the output of get() if val is None: return None elif isinstance(val, KernelConfigTristate): return val.value elif isinstance(val, basestring): return '"{}"'.format(val.strip('"')) else: return str(val) def __str__(self): return '\n'.join( '{}={}'.format(k, self._val_to_str(v)) for k, v in self.items() ) @staticmethod def _parse_val(k, v): """ Parse a value of types handled by Kconfig: * string * bool * tristate * hex * int Since bool cannot be distinguished from tristate, tristate is always used. :meth:`KernelConfigTristate.__bool__` will allow using it as a bool though, so it should not impact user code. """ if not v: return None # Handle "string" type if v.startswith('"'): # Strip enclosing " return v[1:-1] else: try: # Handles "bool" and "tristate" types return KernelConfigTristate.from_str(v) except ValueError: pass try: # Handles "int" type return int(v) except ValueError: pass try: # Handles "hex" type return HexInt(v) except ValueError: pass # If no type could be parsed raise ValueError('Could not parse Kconfig key: {}={}'.format( k, v ), k, v ) @classmethod def _parse_text(cls, text): config = {} for line in text.splitlines(): line = line.strip() # skip empty lines if not line: continue if line.startswith('#'): match = if match: value = 'n' name = else: continue else: name, value = line.split('=', 1) name = cls.get_config_name(name.strip()) value = cls._parse_val(name, value.strip()) config[name] = value return config def __getitem__(self, name): name = self.get_config_name(name) try: return self._config[name] except KeyError: raise KernelConfigKeyError( "{} is not exposed in kernel config".format(name), name ) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._config) def __len__(self): return len(self._config) def __contains__(self, name): name = self.get_config_name(name) return name in self._config def like(self, name): regex = re.compile(name, re.I) return { k: v for k, v in self.items() if } def is_enabled(self, name): return self.get(name) is KernelConfigTristate.YES def is_module(self, name): return self.get(name) is KernelConfigTristate.MODULE def is_not_set(self, name): return self.get(name) is KernelConfigTristate.NO def has(self, name): return self.is_enabled(name) or self.is_module(name) class KernelConfig(object): """ Backward compatibility shim on top of :class:`TypedKernelConfig`. This class does not provide a Mapping API and only return string values. """ @staticmethod def get_config_name(name): return TypedKernelConfig.get_config_name(name) def __init__(self, text): # Expose typed_config as a non-private attribute, so that user code # needing it can get it from any existing producer of KernelConfig. self.typed_config = TypedKernelConfig.from_str(text) # Expose the original text for backward compatibility self.text = text def __bool__(self): return bool(self.typed_config) not_set_regex = TypedKernelConfig.not_set_regex def iteritems(self): for k, v in self.typed_config.items(): yield (k, self.typed_config._val_to_str(v)) items = iteritems def get(self, name, strict=False): if strict: val = self.typed_config[name] else: val = self.typed_config.get(name) return self.typed_config._val_to_str(val) def like(self, name): return { k: self.typed_config._val_to_str(v) for k, v in } def is_enabled(self, name): return self.typed_config.is_enabled(name) def is_module(self, name): return self.typed_config.is_module(name) def is_not_set(self, name): return self.typed_config.is_not_set(name) def has(self, name): return self.typed_config.has(name)
[docs]class LocalLinuxTarget(LinuxTarget): def __init__(self, connection_settings=None, platform=None, working_directory=None, executables_directory=None, connect=True, modules=None, load_default_modules=True, shell_prompt=DEFAULT_SHELL_PROMPT, conn_cls=LocalConnection, is_container=False, ): super(LocalLinuxTarget, self).__init__(connection_settings=connection_settings, platform=platform, working_directory=working_directory, executables_directory=executables_directory, connect=connect, modules=modules, load_default_modules=load_default_modules, shell_prompt=shell_prompt, conn_cls=conn_cls, is_container=is_container) def _resolve_paths(self): if self.working_directory is None: self.working_directory = '/tmp/devlib-target' self._file_transfer_cache = self.path.join(self.working_directory, '.file-cache') if self.executables_directory is None: self.executables_directory = '/tmp/devlib-target/bin'
def _get_model_name(section): name_string = section['model name'] parts = name_string.split('@')[0].strip().split() return ' '.join([p for p in parts if '(' not in p and p != 'CPU']) def _get_part_name(section): implementer = section.get('CPU implementer', '0x0') part = section['CPU part'] variant = section.get('CPU variant', '0x0') name = get_cpu_name(*list(map(integer, [implementer, part, variant]))) if name is None: name = '{}/{}/{}'.format(implementer, part, variant) return name def _build_path_tree(path_map, basepath, sep=os.path.sep, dictcls=dict): """ Convert a flat mapping of paths to values into a nested structure of dict-line object (``dict``'s by default), mirroring the directory hierarchy represented by the paths relative to ``basepath``. """ def process_node(node, path, value): parts = path.split(sep, 1) if len(parts) == 1: # leaf node[parts[0]] = value else: # branch if parts[0] not in node: node[parts[0]] = dictcls() process_node(node[parts[0]], parts[1], value) relpath_map = {os.path.relpath(p, basepath): v for p, v in path_map.items()} if len(relpath_map) == 1 and list(relpath_map.keys())[0] == '.': result = list(relpath_map.values())[0] else: result = dictcls() for path, value in relpath_map.items(): process_node(result, path, value) return result
[docs]class ChromeOsTarget(LinuxTarget): os = 'chromeos' # pylint: disable=too-many-locals def __init__(self, connection_settings=None, platform=None, working_directory=None, executables_directory=None, android_working_directory=None, android_executables_directory=None, connect=True, modules=None, load_default_modules=True, shell_prompt=DEFAULT_SHELL_PROMPT, package_data_directory="/data/data", is_container=False ): self.supports_android = None self.android_container = None # Pull out ssh connection settings ssh_conn_params = ['host', 'username', 'password', 'keyfile', 'port', 'password_prompt', 'timeout', 'sudo_cmd'] self.ssh_connection_settings = {} for setting in ssh_conn_params: if connection_settings.get(setting, None): self.ssh_connection_settings[setting] = connection_settings[setting] super(ChromeOsTarget, self).__init__(connection_settings=self.ssh_connection_settings, platform=platform, working_directory=working_directory, executables_directory=executables_directory, connect=False, modules=modules, load_default_modules=load_default_modules, shell_prompt=shell_prompt, conn_cls=SshConnection, is_container=is_container) # We can't determine if the target supports android until connected to the linux host so # create unconditionally. # Pull out adb connection settings adb_conn_params = ['device', 'adb_server', 'timeout'] self.android_connection_settings = {} for setting in adb_conn_params: if connection_settings.get(setting, None): self.android_connection_settings[setting] = connection_settings[setting] # If adb device is not explicitly specified use same as ssh host if not connection_settings.get('device', None): self.android_connection_settings['device'] = connection_settings.get('host', None) self.android_container = AndroidTarget(connection_settings=self.android_connection_settings, platform=platform, working_directory=android_working_directory, executables_directory=android_executables_directory, connect=False, modules=[], # Only use modules with linux target load_default_modules=False, shell_prompt=shell_prompt, conn_cls=AdbConnection, package_data_directory=package_data_directory, is_container=True) if connect: self.connect() def __getattr__(self, attr): """ By default use the linux target methods and attributes however, if not present, use android implementation if available. """ try: return super(ChromeOsTarget, self).__getattribute__(attr) except AttributeError: if hasattr(self.android_container, attr): return getattr(self.android_container, attr) else: raise def connect(self, timeout=30, check_boot_completed=True): super(ChromeOsTarget, self).connect(timeout, check_boot_completed) # Assume device supports android apps if container directory is present if self.supports_android is None: self.supports_android = self.directory_exists('/opt/google/containers/android/') if self.supports_android: self.android_container.connect(timeout) else: self.android_container = None def _resolve_paths(self): if self.working_directory is None: self.working_directory = '/mnt/stateful_partition/devlib-target' self._file_transfer_cache = self.path.join(self.working_directory, '.file-cache') if self.executables_directory is None: self.executables_directory = self.path.join(self.working_directory, 'bin')